back Fruit-cereal bar “KVANT” cranberry – five grains with chia seeds

The taste is a balanced taste of cereal flakes, sweet filling, slight sourness of natural cranberries and slightly bitter glaze create

the perfect taste of this bar.

Cereal and fruit bars with interesting/unusual superfood additives - a snack with a healthy filling

UPT - the product contains natural cereals, fruits, a superfood additive - CHIA SEEDS.

Chia seeds are rich in iron, calcium, manganese, copper, phosphorus and vitamins C, A, K, PP. In addition, they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 contained in the seeds helps to maintain memory and cognitive abilities. Phosphorus already contributes to this.

Consumption situations:

A light snack.
Convenient to take with you on the road.
A gift/compliment to a colleague at work/study to maintain tone and a good mood.

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